Made up of Thermosol Panels;  Our modern innovation of the SIP (Structured Integrated Panel) panel provides a great eco friendly solution for new build.


All of our modular buildings are robust, secure and quick to assemble. All you need is the space to have one; they can even be built on existing playgrounds.


Jack in the Box is a revolutionary new housing concept that is changing the way we build communities. Sustainable and environmentally friendly homes tailored to the needs of our clients, they combine quality with affordability.

  • Long term economic value to the return potential

  • Reduce carbon emissions

  • Assist in building sustainable homes

  • Unrivalled build cost

  • Outstanding quality

  • Flexible solutions


Work with us to create a master plan that optimises your site. Select your Jack in the Box Home along with the exterior and interior options.


We start building your Jack in the Box Home at our factory. Groundworks and foundations activity commence.


Apply for and achieve planning permission using your house preferences and other information we provide to you.


Approximately three months after order, your finished home is completed. We deliver each one to your plot and assemble.


Finance organised and order confirmed.


Ready for sale/rent and occupation.

what we build
what we build
what we build

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about us

With a product history dating back to 2008 and over 750 units built across Europe using our technology, Jack in the Box Homes are well placed to help the UK meet and address its housing needs.

got an enquiry? then please get in touch