Jack in the Box Homes are made up of Thermosol Panels; a contemporary innovation of an SIP (Structured Integrated Panel), which have actually been in use since the 1930’s. Our modern innovation of the SIP panel provides a great eco friendly solution for new build.
With a product history dating back to 2008 and over 750 units built across Europe using this technology, our Jack in the Box Homes are well placed to help the UK meet and address its housing needs.
We believe that affordable housing should not be limited to characterless blocks. The aim should be to provide individuals and families low cost homes that are well designed, efficient and distinctive.
With energy efficiency central to our ideas, we incorporate eco conscious designs and elements throughout our homes.
Work with us to create a master plan that optimises your site. Select your Jack in the Box Home along with the exterior and interior options.
We start building your Jack in the Box Home at our factory. Groundworks and foundations activity commence.
Apply for and achieve planning permission using your house preferences and other information we provide to you.
Approximately three months after order, your finished home is completed. We deliver each one to your plot and assemble.
Finance organised and order confirmed.
Ready for sale/rent and occupation.
All our houses are pre-built as CGI's allowing the opportunity to see the house before it is even built! With the use of modern day technology we can demonstrate the layout of the design types before the keys are handed over.
Giving plenty of time to start looking for the perfect interior furnishings and finishing touches.
Two months after ordering and planning approval your Jack in The Box unit arrives on site for construction. For our individual private customers as with the conception and manufacturing we then work with you to design and assemble your bespoke home. Our teams will guide you through each process ensuring design and build is to your exact requirements with every small detail addressed.
We will be happy to provide a quote based on your choice and preferred options. Volume pricing options require a minimum number of homes to be purchased. Payments for Jack in the Box Homes are taken on a staged basis. Please contact us for details.
To find out more about prices, our production timings and how we might be able to help you with your development, please contact us.
Not only can we provide you with fully equipped home but also services such as:
Jack in the Box Homes offer a standard ten year warranty on each house. Additional guarantees are offered on various parts of the house, please contact us for details.